Geometry dash texture pack download pc default
Geometry dash texture pack download pc default

geometry dash texture pack download pc default geometry dash texture pack download pc default

When unchecked, it will use the player's secondary color.

  • Switch dash fire color: The fire that appears when using a dash ring can be toggled between Player Color 1 or 2.
  • Switch spider teleport color: The spider teleport effect's color can be toggled between Player Color 1 or 2.
  • Default mini icon: The mini icon and mini ball is set to its default skin prior to 2.1.
  • Disable play object alert: Playing levels with a high object count won't display a warning.
  • geometry dash texture pack download pc default

    Disable gravity effect: Removes the motion lines that appear when switching gravity.Disable song alert: Removes the alert that appears when trying to play a level with a song that isn't downloaded yet.Disable high object alert: Removes the high object count alert when trying to play a level.New completed filter: The new completed filter is based on percentage gained from playing in 2.1.Fast practice reset: Decreases the respawn time in practice mode from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.Increase max levels: Increases the maximum offline saved levels from 20 to 100.Show Percentage: Shows the current percentage next to the progress bar.Flip pause button: Repositions the pause button from the upper right side to the upper left side of the screen.Disable shake effects: Disables the screen shake effects induced by shake triggers.Disable explosion shake: Disables the screen shake effect experienced upon crashing.Change custom songs location: Saves custom songs in a different directory.Smooth Fix: Makes some optimisations that can reduce lag although can make the game speed inconsistent.Show Restart Button: Always shows the restart button on the pause screen.Quick Checkpoint Mode: Increases the frequency of automatic checkpoint placement in practice mode.High StartPos Accuracy: Increases the accuracy of start position spawning in the level editor although increases spawning load time.High Capacity Mode: Increases draw capacity for batch nodes when starting a level to increase performance.Load songs to memory: Loads songs to memory, improving gameplay performance although increases level load time.The rate differs depending on the form being used by the player. Auto-Checkpoints: Automatically places checkpoints while in practice mode.When deactivated, a popup showing the percentage achieved appears instead. Auto-Retry: Automatically respawns the player after every crash.Sign In: Connects the game to Google Play Games.GameCenter: Connects the game to Game Center.Keys: Displays a menu showing the configured key bindings.This section contains a variety of options allowing the player to configure certain features to optimise gameplay and performance.

    Geometry dash texture pack download pc default